SUNY Utica College of Technology, UTICA, NY.
(A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / L / M / N / O / P / R / S / T / U / V / W )
Adirondack Schools, BOONVILLE, NY.
Alexandria Schools, ALEXANDRIA BAY, NY.
Altmar Parish Williamstown Schools, PARISH, NY includes high and middle school.
Auburn City Schools, AUBURN, NY includes all schools.
Baldwinsville Central Schools, BALDWINSVILLE, NY includes Ray Middle, Durgee Jr. High, Baker HS, Lysander Ice Arena, Lysander Park, Diane Reeves Memorial Field.
Beaver River Schools, BEAVER FALLS, NY.
Belleville Henderson Schools, BELLEVILLE, NY.
Bishop Grimes, EAST SYRACUSE, NY.
Bishop Ludden, SYRACUSE, NY.
Brookfield, BROOKFIELD, NY.
Camden, CAMDEN, NY
Canastota, CANASTOTA, NY
Carthage Schools, CARTHAGE, NY includes high, middle school and Black River elementary.
Cazenovia, CAZENOVIA, NY includes high school, Burton Elementary and Fenner Athletic Fields.
Cato-Meridian, CATO, NY
Central Square Schools, CENTRAL SQUARE, NY includes High School (P.V. Moore), Millard Hawk, Community Park, Middle, Brewerton Elementary, and Greenview Country Club.
Chittenango Schools, CHITTENANGO, NY includes High School , Middle School, Lake Street Elementary, Bolivar School, Sullivan Community Park and Rogues Roost.
Christian Brothers Academy, SYRACUSE, NY.(map)
Cicero North Syracuse Schools, CICERO, NY includes CNS High School, North Syracuse Jr. High, Roxboro Rd, and Gillette Rd.
Cincinnatus, CINCINNATUS, NY
Clinton Schools, CLINTON, NY includes the High School, Clinton Bowling, Hamilton College, ABC Field, Love Field, and Mason Field.
Cooperstown, COOPERSTOWN, NY
Copenhagen, COPENHAGEN, NY
Corcoran and Valley Schools, SYRACUSE, NY includes Corcoran HS, Shea Jr. High, Roberts, Roosevelt, and Clary Jr High
Cortland Schools, CORTLAND, NY includes High School, Barry Elementary, Randall Field, and Per Center.
DeRuyter, DeRUYTER, NY.
Dolgeville, DOLGEVILLE NY.
East Syracuse Minoa Central Schools, EAST SYRACUSE, NY includes all schools.
Fayetteville Manlius, MANLIUS, NY includes all schools.
Fowler High School, SYRACUSE, NY includes high school and Burnet Park.
Fulton Schools, FULTON, NY includes all schools.
Hannibal Schools, HANNIBAL, NY
Henninger, SYRACUSE, NY includes Henninger High School, Lincoln, and Huntington schools.
Homer, HOMER, NY includes Homer High School, Junior High School, Casey's and Calale fields.
Ilion High School, ILION, NY
Indian River, PHILADELPHIA, NY includes High School, Middle School.
Ithaca High School, ITHACA, NY
Jamesville DeWitt, DEWITT, NY includes High School, Middle School and Lyndon Fields.
Jordan Elbridge, JORDAN, NY includes High School, Ramsdell and Elbridge Elementary.
LaFayette High School, LaFAYETTE, NY
Liverpool School District, LIVERPOOL, NY includes High School, Middle School, Soule Rd, Willowfield, and Chestnut Hill.
Marcellus High School, MARCELLUS, NY .
Mexico High School, MEXICO, NY .
Mohawk High School, MOHAWK, NY .
New Hartford High School, NEW HARTFORD, NY includes High School and Perry Jr. High School.
Nottingham High School, SYRACUSE, NY includes Barry Park , H.W. Smith and Hughes School.
Onondaga Central Schools, NEDROW, NY includes High School, Wheeler Middle School and Rockwell Elementary
Oswego City Schools, OSWEGO, NY includes high & middle schools
Phoenix Central Schools, PHOENIX, NY includes High School and Junior High
Port Byron High School, PORT BYRON, NY .
Pulaski High School, PULASKI, NY .
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Rome Free Academy, ROME, NY includes all schools.
Skaneateles, SKANEATELES, NY includes high school and Austin Park.
Solvay Schools, SOLVAY, NY includes high school, middle school and Woods Rd. field.
South Jefferson Schools, ADAMS, NY includes high school and elementary school.
Utica City Schools, UTICA, NY includes Proctor High School, James H. Donovan Middle school.
Watertown Schools, WATERTOWN, NY includes High school, Junior High, Immaculate Heart and the Fasirgrounds Arena.
Weedsport High School, WEEDSPORT, NY .
West Genesee Schools, CAMILLUS, NY includes West Genesee High School, West Genesee Middle/ Stonehedge, Camillus Middle, Warners Elementary, and Shove Park.
Westhill Schools, SYRACUSE, NY includes Westhill Middle and High School.
Whitesboro Schools, MARCY, NY includes Whitesboro Middle and High School.
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